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What is TERA?

TERA is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) in which you fight to protect the Valkyon Federation—an alliance of the world’s surface races—while also battling for glory and power. With action-filled gameplay and riveting visuals, TERA promises a thrilling, engaging ride.

TERA is breathtaking, with stunning graphics that fully immerse players in its varied environments. Couple that with an exciting new combat system that provides fast-paced, intense battles and engages characters of all classes, and you’ve got a recipe for the best MMO experience to date. Craft the finest gear, form a group with your allies, conquer a world filled with treacherous monsters, and maneuver your way to the pinnacle of power on your server! TERA offers a unique endgame experience, one where players and guilds vie for control of the Federation.

In a world where gods slumber and demons scheme, the Federation needs brave heroes to take up the mantle of leadership. Through martial power and arcane might, you can join the ranks of heroes and save the world of TERA!

Tera in-game Screenshot

All trailer footage made with in-game graphics (some videos might be gone since they are in breach of the NDA – None Disclosure Agreement):


Yup, looks like another korean grindfest so far. <sigh>
But I’ll still give it a go because of a couple of reasons:

  1. The chicks are hot
  2. This seems to be about skills. As in there is no targeting system AFAIK. you move constantly and aim your skills towards your foe.  For instance, tanks actually HAVE to take the blunt of the hits with their shield and block the boss for the rest of the team. It literally brings out the meaning of “Tank” In a whole new way that is rarely ever seen in a MMO.
  3. No instanced zones – seamless huge world.
  4. Hot chicks
  5. I’m a sucker for beautiful graphics and this looks very very nice. Plus the designs (monsters, towns, etc..) are right down my alley.
  6. They say servers and game code supports 10,000 players per server.
  7. Hot chicks.

According to interview that occurred during the HanGame Invitional 2009. Blue Holes Studios has stated that there will be NO instances. The entire world will be seamless. Additionally, BHS has announced they plan for each server to be able to hold the largest concurrent user load. That is to say that 10,000+ players will be able to play together in one persistent world.

Users in the Focus groups are stating that there actually are instances/dungeons. <shrugs>

Oh an one last thing about the game:
Castanic Sorcerer Animation:

Go check it out at Tera-Online.com

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  1. Mark Wilhelm May 4, 2010

    I’m glad more people are taking an interest in TERA Online. Your reasons for liking the game are valid. As for your confusion about “instances” and “seamless” zones, let me redefine what the those words mean:

    “Seamless” means: no loading screens when walking between outdoor areas. There are still loading screens when entering instances.

    “Instances” in TERA are reserved for dungeons and some important party quests (normally those important quests are the last in a chain for a specific area). For example, on the noobie island the last quest asks you to kill a huge boss mob. You can kill it solo if you have patience, or you can grab a buddy or two and kill it quickly. Either way, the place where you kill it on the outskirts of the island is instanced because killing the beast takes so long. If it wasn’t instanced, no one would finish the quest chain and get off the newbie island. 🙁

    Hope this helps you somehow. Check out TERAblah.com if you want to chat about TERA in depth! 🙂

    • Swissy May 4, 2010 — Post Author

      Thanks for clearing this up! It clarifies my post.

      When I wrote “No instanced zones – seamless huge world.” I meant no separated zones like in City of Heroes/Villains or Aion. More like a massive “let’s cross the continent from one end to the other like in WoW” seamless.
      Now whether this applies in Tera or not, I cannot be 100% sure since I haven’t touched it yet. But this was my initial understanding.

      Additionally, the quoted text contained in the post (Blue Holes Studios has stated that there will be NO instances) was taken from the MMOriot youtube user as he was responding to a comment.

      Cheers for commenting!

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