Another year, another Lori post.
This year’s EirtaKon is the biggest one yet as it will be held in the Croke Park Conference Centre, over the weekend of November 22nd-24th 2013.
Book your tickets now while you still can, you won’t regret it:
- Trading Card Game tournaments
- Cosplay blind dates
- RPGs and LARP’s
- Artist’s Alley
- Workshops
- Pub quiz
- Trade hall
- AMV competition
- Guests! Troy Baker as guest of honor and Riddle as Cosplay guest.
Seriously, there will be lots to be done, seen and experienced.
For this year’s Lori we were obviously quite excited about what we were going to try to depict.
A few ideas we’ve had:
- Lori scoring a goal against a bunch of cosplayers, angle from behind the goalposts with the ball coming towards your view
- Lori stopping a goal as goalkeeper, with maybe a close-up of her hurl?
- Lori beating the shite out of a bunch of kids with her hurl
- Lori in the front, posing with her hurl, looking smug-ish. Behind her, an army of cosplayers. Background – inside crokepark.
- Over the top action passing pose “à la” Inazuma Eleven.
I tried to use these ideas as guidelines.
The first image to be sketched out was a trifle. Something small and easy that became EirtaKon’s Facebook cover picture for a while:
We also figured out we wanted to have an official label.
I devised the Lori equivalent, useful for labeling original gear like t-shirts, mugs, crayolas…
Parallelly, other sketches were being considered for the final yearly poster pic. Although trying to make an army of cosplayers in the background would have been a challenge I wasn’t ready to face, the attempt of Lori inviting the con-goer to join other cosplayers in the background was made. It just didn’t happen in the end.
Something in the last sketch just made sense and was generic enough to still express Croke park: the swing, the movement, the idea of Lori finally being able to be in the place she was predestined to be!
So the sketch eventually was inked to this:
Personally, I was sold. Her square sword was missing so that was added.
Yes. After all these years, Lori is finally wearing trousers. Orange trousers no less. Bet no one ever saw this coming (and have more important things to think about anyway)!
Are they convict pants? Possibly. Lori has been around now and who knows what she’s been up to in between cons?
Anyway, the picture has its flaws but the overall final piece makes me happy and proud. After all these years of loyal service, she still rocks IMO. She’s grown up and has yet some maturing to do but she’s currently at a good place.
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